Saturday, October 28, 2017

Home in Adelaide

Flying past Whyalla - just visible on horizon.


Landed Adelaide.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Arrived Doha

Smooth flight to Doha, unfortunately Jo left her precious purple neck pillow on the plane! Doha Airport ....

Awesome playground for kids!

Jo favorite shop .... no we didn’t buy anything!

Waiting to board in Athens

Last veiw of Greece and waiting to board our Qatar flight to Doha and then Adelaide.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Israeli smokers

Departing Ben Gurion Airport for Athens. How’s this for catering for smokers?

Final night final night in Israel

Classic cars, Israeli style! (Included this for Chris and Gary,)

Old Italian Hospital, which is now the Ministry of Culture.

Street party and very loud band right outside our hotel. Had hoped to get an early night as we have to be up at 2am to catch our plane to Athens.

Walking the wall

Selfie with the golden dome in the background.

Damascus Gate ramp.

Harold’s Gate.

Views from the ramparts

Views of the mall where we were staying. The double tram ran past out hotel.

Over the roof tops to the golden dome of the Dome of the Rock.

Looking east.